The series follows the adventures of Beetlejuice, a mischievous ghost with a flair for the bizarre, and Lydia Deetz, a goth teenager who is the only living person who can see him. Together, they navigate the Netherworld, a strange and supernatural realm filled with ghosts, monsters, and other supernatural beings.
Beetlejuice: The Animated Series ran for a total of 94 episodes over four seasons. The first season consisted of 13 episodes and aired from September 9, 1989, to December 2, 1989. The second season consisted of 13 episodes and aired from September 8, 199, to December 1, 199. The third season consisted of 19 episodes and aired from September 4, 1991, to December 10, 1991. The fourth season consisted of 49 episodes and aired from September 9, 1991, to December 6, 1991.
The show was known for its dark humor, quirky characters, and imaginative storylines. It has since gained a cult following and remains a beloved animated series from the late ’80s and early ’90s.